8 Tricks To Eliminate Unpleasant Odors From Closed Places

The presence of unpleasant baddies in closed spaces of the home is usually associated with humidity problems.

Therefore, carrying out continuous cleaning and disinfection tasks is sometimes not enough to avoid them. Sometimes, it is also necessary to take other types of measures to completely neutralize bad odors.

On the market, there are many products that help us eliminate them. However, natural alternatives for eliminating unpleasant odors are much healthier, inexpensive and even inexpensive.

Next, we want to share with you 8 tricks with which to restore a pleasant smell to those places. Do not miss them!

1. Apple cider vinegar, a natural antibacterial and deodorant

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is an antibacterial and deodorizing substance that helps eliminate many unpleasant odors. It also facilitates dust cleaning. And, thanks to its antifungal properties, it prevents odors caused by mold.

How to use

  • Pour equal parts apple cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle.
  • Shake the content.
  • And, spray the mixture in enclosed spaces.

You can also put small containers with a little vinegar in the corners of these places.

2. Vanilla essence to eliminate unpleasant odors

The scent of vanilla essence is pungent and disperses easily. Thanks to this, we can take advantage of it to get rid of the bad smell that usually appears in closets and closed spaces.

How to use it

  • Put some vanilla essence on a clean cloth and rub over the places you want to deodorize.
  • To make its aroma last longer, pour a teaspoon of vanilla essence on a plate. You will have to put it in the middle of the place where you want to eliminate the musty smell.

3. Coffee


Coffee is very useful  to neutralize unpleasant odors that usually appear, for example, in the trash can.

How to use

Take a few roasted coffee beans and put them inside cabinets or smelly places.

If you choose to use the coffee grounds, pour them into a small cloth bag or plate.

4. Lemon juice, the best agent to eliminate bad odors

Lemon juice is one of the best cleaning agents. It helps to eliminate bacteria and mold that are the cause of bad odors in less ventilated spaces.

It is also effective in removing the dust and stain left by spills once the water has evaporated. It is also used to remove other types of accumulated dirt.

How to use

  • Squeeze lemons to fill half a cup.
  • Mix the juice with another half cup of warm water.
  • And, spray the resulting liquid on the surfaces you want to clean.
  • Finally, let it air dry for a few minutes and remove any debris with a soft cloth.

    5. Baking soda

    baking soda

    Baking soda is one of those ecological cleaning products that should not be missing in our home.

    Its antibacterial and deodorant properties  fight the bad smell associated with humidity, food debris and garbage.

    How to use

    • Moisten some baking soda with lemon or water. (Don’t forget to wear gloves.)
    • After making a paste, rub it on furniture and surfaces in smelly places.
    • Let it work for 5 minutes or 10 minutes.
    • Remove the remains with a brush.

    You can also pour it into small plates and place them in the places where the bad smell is concentrated.

    6. Charcoal

    A small lozenge of charcoal can help eliminate unpleasant odors that often accumulate in shoe and clothing cabinets.

    How to use

    Buy charcoal and wrap small pieces in a piece of cloth. Locate them in the corners of closets or built-ins, closed rooms and basements.

    7. Cloves

    Red nails

    The penetrating aroma of cloves is useful to eliminate annoying odors in poorly ventilated places.

    How to use

    Put several nails in a small plate and put them inside wooden furniture, cabinets or any enclosed space.

    You could also put several cloves in an orange or citrus fruit for an even more pleasant air freshener.

    8. Cinnamon, natural flavoring

    The cinnamon stick is a great ally when it comes to aromatizing the spaces of the house.

    How to use it

    Tie several cinnamon sticks together with a ribbon or bow. Put them in the most convenient place to deodorize the environment.

    Are you ready to rehearse them? Choose the aroma you prefer and eliminate those smells that are so annoying.

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