8 Tips For Coping With Pollen Allergy Symptoms

With spring, pollen allergy symptoms worsen. Pollen is produced by plants. It is a tiny granite loaded with fertilizing cells of the plant. A single plant is capable of releasing thousands of pollen grains into the environment.

When pollen is spread in the air, it is invisible. Millions of small particles spread and come into contact with our respiratory system.

Contact with our respiratory system is the action that produces the most response. However, for those who suffer from a pollen allergy, contact with the skin, eyes or mucous membranes also causes symptoms of different intensity.

Pollen allergy symptoms

The classic symptoms of pollen allergy include sneezing, itchy nose, runny nose, and watery eyes. However, diseases that can become serious such as allergic asthma can also occur.

With the arrival of spring, the annoyances become more acute, due to the high concentration of pollen in the environment. In the event that the symptoms are very strong or bothersome, you should go to an allergist who will prescribe antihistamines or topical corticosteroids.

Fight pollen allergy 8 tips

8 Tips for Coping with Pollen Allergy

Especially in spring, it can be very useful to adopt simple measures such as avoiding laying outside, wearing sunglasses when leaving the house or keeping the windows closed during the hours of highest pollen concentration.

Here are 8 tips that can help you cope with and prevent pollen allergy symptoms.

1. Better at home

On days with the highest pollen concentration and, above all, on days with strong wind, it is advisable if possible to opt for activities that you can do indoors.  If necessary, you can use a mask, preferably moistened.

2. Eat washed fruits and vegetables

It is advisable to consume fresh fruit and vegetables washed previously. In this way, the pollen grains that could be stuck to its surface are eliminated.

3. Restricted hours

The intervals between five and ten in the morning and seven and ten at night accumulate the highest concentration of pollen. For this reason, reduce outdoor activities during those hours and keep the windows of the house closed.

4. Use air filters to relieve pollen allergy

You can put pollen filters in air conditioners, both at home and in the car. These filters can help reduce contact with pollen.

For this reason, it is advisable to change them frequently so that they do not lose their effectiveness. During car trips, keep the windows closed to prevent pollen grains from entering it.

5. Wear sunglasses and know your pollen levels

When you go out, it is advisable to wear sunglasses so that pollen cannot come into contact with your eyes. It can also help you to know the forecasts of pollen levels in the Pollen Information Service.

6. Change clothes

Pollen grains can get caught on clothing, so showering and changing your clothes when you get home is a good idea. It may help to wash your face and hands after exposures, if it is not possible to change clothes. Likewise, avoid hanging clothes outside, especially when spring arrives.

7. Take precautions in the garden

If you have a garden, avoid plants that pollinate by air. For example, hedges of arizonic plants are not recommended in the garden of a person allergic to pollen.

In addition, you should avoid activities that can remove pollen particles such as mowing the lawn or sweeping the terrace. In case of allergy to grass pollen, you should not lie on the grass either. If you are spending the night outdoors, it is best not to sleep near sources of allergenic pollens such as trees or plants.

8. Pharmacological treatment

If you are taking a specific treatment for pollen allergy such as antihistamines, you should always do it under medical supervision.  It should not be forgotten that the use of vaccines is useful in many cases.

Do the symptoms of pollen allergy usually afflict you? Do not stop applying all the tips mentioned. Of course, if the complaints get worse or are too recurrent, see your doctor.

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