7 Things You Should Do To Lower Your Cholesterol In 30 Days

If your latest tests reveal that you have high cholesterol, it is time to lower your cholesterol with some changes in your lifestyle.

High cholesterol as well as triglycerides that exceed the values ​​that are considered normal significantly increase the risk of suffering from heart disease.

Now, the good news is that we are facing a problem that can be controlled, and that, above all, requires two basic pillars: medical follow-up and personal will.

We must be aware that making changes is necessary, that eating well and better is synonymous with health and that carrying out small daily efforts will allow us to feel much better and carry a day to day in harmony with our body.

We propose the following: apply the following 9 tips to reduce cholesterol in 30 days. The effort will not only be worth it… It will be worth your well-being and health!

How long does it take to lower cholesterol levels?

Depending on various factors, triglycerides can go down at one point or another.

If we are disciplined and consistent, and we maintain a diet low in saturated fat, rich in fruits and vegetables, along with a good exercise routine, we can reduce a very interesting percentage in a relatively short period of time.

Patients with obesity or hypercholesterolemia of genetic origin may notice some resistance when it comes to lowering their levels in short periods of time. Therefore, they must follow the indications of their treating physician and not despair.

We must also remember that each person has a specific metabolism and that therefore, each one has a different rhythm. There will be those who will be able to reduce their cholesterol before another patient whose body takes much longer to react to the new diet and new habits.

It is common for the doctor to offer us an interval of 3 months between analyzes and analyzes to see if we have managed to lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is not a matter of making the effort for a month or until we have the next check-up.

How to significantly lower cholesterol in 30 days

The actual changes, if we follow these guidelines, will be noticeable within 30 days. However, it will be at 3 months when our cholesterol levels can reach healthier parameters that are already within normal limits.

It is in our power to achieve it.

1. Choose the type of fat well

Person removing the pulp from the avocado.

Saturated fats increase bad cholesterol, or LDL, as well as the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

  • We must forget about fried foods, baked goods (cakes, puff pastry, frozen pizzas, cookies …).
  • We must get used to reading food labels.
  • However, it is not a question of excluding all types of fats. We must opt ​​for the healthiest ones, such as those offered by avocados, olive oil, nuts, salmon …

2. Walk every day for half an hour

Reserve half an hour for yourself throughout the day. Put on comfortable shoes and simply walk briskly for 30-40 minutes, without stopping to rest. This will help the blood to get oxygenated, the heart to jump-start and the brain to get that extra dose of endorphins and nutrients and lower cholesterol levels, which translates into health and well-being.

3. Yes to a daily glass of lemon juice

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, a type of compound that has a bitter taste and, in turn, provides great health benefits. According to popular wisdom, if we get used to drinking lemon juice daily, its natural compounds will act as a true complementary “therapy” ideal for reducing total cholesterol level.

4. Increase your fiber intake

What happens to the body after an excess of fiber?

Foods such as seeds, oats, lentils, apples, prunes, papaya and fruits in general are rich in soluble fiber, very suitable for the body to absorb cholesterol.

Nor can we forget that fiber gives us satiety. Therefore, we will avoid snacking between meals and we will be able to take better care of ourselves.

5. Yes to blue fish four times a week

Oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, ideal for lowering cholesterol and taking care of general health. Wild salmon, tuna and sardines are some of the most recommended.

6. Less salt and more spices

Have you already tried eating foods low in salt, but made with delicious spices and aromatic herbs? What if instead of adding salt to our meals we add a little garlic powder, ginger, pepper, parsley, oregano or turmeric?

By reducing your salt intake, you will not only gain health, but you will save yourself a lot of discomfort, such as fluid retention, as well as the worsening of any health problem you have, such as high cholesterol levels.

7. Relax

Did you know that when we spend long periods of time with stress and anxiety, cholesterol can go “through the roof”? According to various studies, emotional stress orchestrates metabolic changes that affect cardiovascular health, and cholesterol is one of its best known consequences.

So let’s learn to manage these sources of stress, let’s learn to relax, to enjoy the here and now by reading, practicing yoga …

As we have seen, fighting cholesterol does not require great feats, but healthy and consistent actions and habits on a day-to-day basis. It is worth taking it into account to gain health and, of course, feel better.

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