7 Reasons To Eat Spinach Every Day Of The Week

After reading this article, you will not hesitate to eat spinach. We can say that talking about spinach is talking, above all, of health and well-being.

Few vegetables provide us with such a rich and varied source of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.

So much so, that spinach is part of any diet that is considered healthy.

They form an essential nutrient base for children, great, for example, for enhancing cognitive processes.

On the other hand, it is convenient to remember here that there are infinite ways to consume this vegetable that we can enjoy all year round, both in summer and winter.

You can combine it in multiple dishes, but you will like to know that the best way to preserve its benefits is in a natural way.

Just worry about washing the leaves well and then serve them in your dishes combined with other foods rich in vitamin C (this way their nutrients are enhanced).

With a little imagination, spinach can be part of your daily diet to provide you with all the benefits you need to lead a healthy life.

Are you going to resist?

1. Spinach is good for memory


Spinach is within that list that our brain considers essential and essential.

They have minerals such as folic acid, as well as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and several antioxidants that prevent neuronal or cognitive deterioration.

In addition, the potassium present in spinach is very important for increasing blood flow to the brain, which enhances processes as basic as memory or concentration. In fact, this study conducted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico states that spinach are recommended foods to “feed the brain.”

2. Take care of your eyesight

Spinach is a great source of beta-carotene, lutein and xanthene, three types of antioxidants that are very beneficial for the eyes, according to this study carried out by the University of Forida (United States).

Beta carotene, for example, will increase its potential if we consume, in this case, cooked spinach and not naturally.

On the other hand and as a curiosity, its great contribution in vitamin A will also help us to treat itchy eyes and even any inflammation or irritation associated with allergic processes, as assured by this research carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK).

3. You get firmness in your muscles

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If you are thinking about losing weight properly and are concerned above all about the classic flaccidity, do not hesitate, consume spinach 7 days a week, in your salads, in a vegetable smoothie or whatever you like.

Spinach contains antioxidants that help us strengthen muscles by nourishing them with oxygen-rich blood and adequate minerals that guarantee their resistance.

4. Eating spinach helps against osteoporosis

Spinach is a good source of vitamin K.

This vitamin, not so well known by the general public, is very important because it helps us to “retain” calcium in the bone matrix, which leads to the mineralization of our skeleton, including even our teeth and nails. This study conducted by the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) emphasizes their work in the treatment of osteoporosis.

Apart from this, you will also like to know that spinach is rich in  manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.

5. Eating spinach favors our metabolism

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Spinach has enough protein for a vegetable. In addition, they are easily digestible and could have a very positive impact on our metabolism, since they could accelerate it.

  • This internal energy that it gives us stimulates all our systems to function at an optimal level.
  • Likewise, we must also remember that it is a satiating food and that it is ideal to help us lose weight.

6. Eating spinach prevents atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is caused by hardening of the arteries.

This silent but serious disease is one of the worst enemies of the population.

If we get used to consuming spinach on a daily basis, we would benefit from a pigment called lutein, very suitable for preventing the appearance of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, according to this study carried out by the University of Palermo (Italy).

Thanks to lutein we can reduce cholesterol and other fat deposits present in the blood vessels.

7. Prevents inflammation

eating spinach to prevent inflammation

Spinach is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, very valuable in preventing and treating inflammation throughout the body. This is stated in this study carried out by the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).

To conclude, as you can see, the benefits of spinach are many and interesting. It is therefore worth making a little effort and “throwing” a little of our imagination to consume them once a day.

All it takes is a small handful to get a ton of health. What are you waiting for?

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