7 Essential Foods To Treat Various Types Of Pain

Sometimes humans experience different types of pain that warn that something is wrong. They are indicators of health, so they do not usually appear in isolation. There is nothing more annoying than spending a whole day with a headache or suffering from those joint pains that prevent you from having an adequate quality of life.

What can be done? Once the cause that causes this pain has been identified, we must follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. It is very important that  n unca you automediques and consult with a healthcare professional Tiller.

In this article we show some foods that, due to their properties, are used to help relieve various types of pain.

7 foods to relieve various types of pain

1. Celery and its seeds

Celery to lose weight.

Celery is a food that is recommended to have at home  to make rich smoothies and tasty salads. In addition, it tastes good and can help us fight various types of pain.

Research from the Shabid Beheshti Medical University in Tehran concluded that consuming celery, as well as its seeds, is beneficial in relieving menstrual cramps. One way to achieve this is to make a smoothie with about 100 grams of celery, approximately, and 20 grams of anise infusion.

For his part, Dr. James Duke published an interesting book called The Green Pharmacy , in which he explains that celery has more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds. One of them is, for example, apigenin, a powerful natural flavonoid to fight pain and inflammation.

2. The pineapple

Pineapple juice.

Pineapple has multiple beneficial health properties.

  • It is rich in bromelain, a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that helps in the digestion of proteins and reduces some gastrointestinal discomforts, such as heartburn, inflammation or gas, as this study published in Biotechnology research international points out .
  • In addition, it is a fruit that helps eliminate  fluid retention, as this publication of the International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences shows .

3. Turmeric to relieve various types of pain

Turmeric is one of the best natural allies to combat pain because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, as pointed out by this research published in The molecular targets and therapeutic uses of curcumin in health and disease , and it also has antioxidant properties.

  • Turmeric helps us reduce histamine levels and any type of inflammation.
  • It has been used a lot since ancient times to relieve joint pain.
  • To benefit from these anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, you can prepare an infusion. Heat 200 ml of water and add 20 grams of turmeric powder. When it has reached a boil, let it sit for about 10 minutes. You can drink it accompanied by 20 milliliters (one tablespoon) of honey.

    4. Ginger

    Ginger tea.

    It is a root with properties very similar to any analgesic or anti-inflammatory, as evidenced by this study published in the Journal of medicinal food .  Therefore, it can be beneficial in relieving different types of pain.

    • Ginger is a natural source of antioxidants that can be taken every day.
    • It reduces headaches, relieves menstruation-related discomfort and acts as a muscle relaxant  due to those anti-inflammatory properties that have already been mentioned. These properties come from essential elements such as gingerols, shogaols and zingerones, good for relieving, for example, joint discomfort.
    • You can take two ginger infusions a day to relieve any type of pain. To do this, make a decoction with 200 milliliters of water and 20 grams of grated ginger root. Try to accompany it with a little honey.

      5. Cherries to relieve some types of pain


      Cherries are a fruit sometimes recommended by some doctors to relieve, for example, joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as noted by this research published in the journal Nutrients  in 2018.

      • The results are said to be more effective if consumed based on concentrated sour juice. Just two tablespoons a day is enough to relieve any type of pain.

      6. Flax seeds and flax oil (linseed)

      Flax seeds.

      • Flax seeds can be purchased at any health food or herbal store. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and act as a pain reliever, as this study published in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology points out .  To benefit from its properties, you can prepare tasty smoothies with fruits.
      • Flax or linseed oil is also easy to find in health food stores or in the specialty oil area of ​​supermarkets. It is recommended to relieve joint pain. It is also perfect to accompany your salads or rich toast with whole wheat bread.
      • Remember that  l or is it better to consume always natural.

      7. Walnuts


      Walnuts are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, according to research published in Maturitas walnuts are a natural anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is a food that could help reduce the risk of suffering from some chronic diseases and reduce premature cellular aging.

      In short, remember that it is very important to see your doctor in case you experience constant pain. A diagnosis is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. On the other hand, these foods are beneficial to relieve pain always combined with a balanced and healthy diet.

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