6 Techniques To Maintain The Posture Of The Spine

Bad postures end up having very negative consequences for the spine. We teach you how to always keep your back in the correct position.

We spend many hours sitting in front of the computer or standing up for our work, which has consequences for our body. Maintaining the posture of the spine is vital to take care of the health of the back and avoid pain or contractures (so common these days), according to this study by the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas (Cuba).

In the following article we will tell you some techniques for proper posture.

How does the posture of the spine influence?

What influences the posture of the spine

Basically, in everything. The spine is our support and it is very important to take care of it. Poor posture leads to serious and even irreversible problems. Just to cite two examples: herniated discs, as stated in this study carried out by the MAZ Hospital in Zaragoza, and chronic fatigue. But there are more ailments produced by not sitting, walking or sitting well.

In women, hip misalignment is very common. Why it happens? Because when they are at rest they carry all the weight of the body on one of the two legs. Wearing high heels or carrying heavy bags on the same shoulder accentuates the problem.

Poor posture is increasingly “normal” due to the type of work that most people have, added to being overweight, sedentary and excessive use of technological devices (such as mobile phones, tablets or laptops). Lowering our head to send a message or check email and social media causes us to adopt a forward-leaning spine posture. Did you know that this is one of the reasons why cervicals hurt?

What should the ideal posture be like?

Some people only notice how they position their back or shoulders while they are exercising. However, it is necessary to pay attention to posture at all times and places:  when we are queuing at the supermarket, when we are sitting in the subway or while we are watching television at home.

Next, we expose the correct way to place our body in different positions:

As we sit

The soles of the feet must be well supported on the ground, the back straight and the shoulders down and back. If you cross your legs (something common in women) you can interrupt blood circulation and then suffer from swelling or fatigue.

As we sit

When standing

The knees should be slightly bent, the chest open so that the abdominal muscles expand and allow breathing correctly. This will also favor that we are not stooped and the posture of the spine is adequate. The weight will be distributed between both legs.

To walk

According to this study carried out by the University of Costa Rica, walking is a highly recommended activity, but one that we must practice taking into account our posture. The neck and head are held upright.  Do not look at the ground because it causes neck pain. You have to step first with the heel and then with the tip of the foot.

When sleeping

The best position to rest is on your side and with your legs bent. In this way the spine stays aligned. In addition, it is important to have a quality mattress and pillow (changing from time to time is vital).

When sleeping

When driving

Good posture in the car is necessary for the good of the spine and also for safety. If you were to have an impact, there is less chance of injury. To do this,  rest your back against the seat and your neck against the headrest. Adjust the seat to reach the pedals smoothly and not have to lean forward.

You want to know more? Read: Postural hygiene

How to improve posture?

There are several techniques that can help you keep your back straight at any time of the day. At first it will be more difficult for you to remember that “you must sit well” and even your spine and muscles will ache a bit as you are not used to the posture. However, the benefits outweigh the initial discomforts. Some effective options are:

Thinking that a rope holds you

They usually teach it in yoga or Pilates class. You have to imagine that a rope “comes out” of your head and takes you towards the ceiling.

Place a tape on the back

For this you must ask someone for help. With a tape you should make an X on the back, starting at the right shoulder, passing through the left hip, bending at the waist, passing through the right hip and ending at the left shoulder. It will help you maintain your posture. It is important that when applying the tape you put your shoulders back.

He has a book on his head

It is a technique that was used some time ago to teach girls how to walk. The idea is that you keep your head and neck straight and don’t look down. It also helps so that the shoulders are not slumped, like listless.

Pay attention to the calves

The posture is not only of the spine, but of the whole body. The legs must support all the weight and the calves must do the most effort.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and try to lower your torso until your hands touch the balls of your feet. It is used to stretch the back, shoulders and neck well and, in addition, to strengthen the abdominal muscles and… the calves!

Pay attention to the calves

Take breaks

If you work all day sitting down, try to get up from time to time and vice versa if you are standing for long hours. When you are standing, take a few laps around the desk, move your arms, lift your shoulders and turn your hips. When you are sitting, put your legs up, keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Look in the mirror

A good way to know if we are complying with a good posture is to observe ourselves. In front of the mirror, align the body and analyze the sensations. Thus, when you are elsewhere you will be able to see if you are doing it well.

In summary: if you pay more attention to the posture of the spine and carry out any of these simple tricks that we have told you … your body will thank you!

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