6 Disadvantages Of Being Too Sincere

Even if the truth is demanded of us, there are times when being too sincere can be negative, since the people around us are not looking for the truth, but their truth

Perhaps being too sincere seems like a good idea a priori . However, it is not so much when we begin to have problems in our relationships because of this that many people demand, but few are prepared to hear.

Let’s not forget that although sincerity is well regarded, it is only welcomed if what is said is positive. Otherwise, we may be involved in more than one conflict, without having sought it.

The darkest face of being too sincere

1. Sincerity as a personal attack

As we have mentioned, being too sincere is good as long as our review is positive. In the event that this is not possible, we will meet people who will take it as a personal attack.

Many times hearing what we do not like or do not expect makes us feel bad.

Therefore, we must be especially careful when someone tells us to be sincere because, perhaps, they do not want us to be if what we have to say is not to their liking.

2. Hypocritical people?

The biggest drawback of being too sincere is that it will be very difficult for us to find people who think and are like us. Instead we will meet the hypocrites. These people will share our honest point of view. However, when push comes to shove, they will continue to avoid saying certain things so that others, even when asked for criticism, do not get angry with them.

3. Sincerity is frowned upon

Too sincere woman.

Being too sincere will lead to many problems if we talk, for example, at the work level. Telling the truth to your colleagues or even your boss when they ask you about something can even be seen as a lack of knowing how to be. This can cause those people who are not as sincere as you to put a position ahead of you in job interviews for this reason. It is something we have to accept. Sincerity, although many defend it, is not desirable.

4. Many people will walk away from you

You may be worried that people start to move away from you, but it’s not that anything happens to you, it’s that being around someone who is too sincere is sometimes annoying.

Many will criticize you, talk about you from behind, they want you to be like them! We live in a society where sincerity is always understood followed by “but only on certain occasions”.

It will be a way they will “punish” you, since everyone talks about sincerity, but nobody dares to mention the nuances that many understand.

5. The feeling of guilt

Sometimes, because of all the above, you will feel guilty for acting as it is understood that someone should be sincere. However, you are not to blame for anything, others simply do not want to hear those negative aspects that they reject about themselves.

They prefer that you are not so clear, so direct. Even if they tell you “be honest”, they don’t really want you to be. Do not feel bad! You are not to blame for anything, because you do not have to assume anything. If others don’t want you to be sincere, they should tell you clearly. It’s your problem.

6. You are a minority

If you are a sincere person, you must be aware that you are part of a minority, as you may have already realized. This is not necessarily bad, but you should take it into account to avoid damaging your self-esteem due to conflicts and problems, even recriminations, that others will make you. But, above all, because it may be difficult for you to find people who are like you.

Are you too sincere a person? Have you met people like that? Does sincerity bother you? It is important to be honest with ourselves so as not to ask others to be sincere when, in fact, we do not want them to be.

This does not mean that we want to be lied to, but it does mean that people are honest with some nuances that must be taken into account. How complicated we do everything, right?

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