5 Tricks To Remove A Stye With Ease

The stye  is a bump that appears on the eyelid of the eye  and is a consequence of the inflammation of the sebaceous gland that is located on the edge of the eyelid. Removing a stye sometimes requires drug treatment, but remember that there are simple tricks that will help you make it go away.

Another disease that causes inflammation of the eyelid is a chalazion. Chalazion occurs when there is a blockage in one of the small oil glands on the edge of the eyelid, just behind the eyelashes.

Unlike a stye, a chalazion is generally not painful and tends to be more prominent on the inside of the eyelid.

Stye on upper eyelid.

Causes that can cause the appearance of a stye

The main causes that can lead to the appearance of a stye are the following.

1. Staph infection

Represents the cause in nine out of ten cases. This infection is caused by bacteria that live on the skin or in the nose and are normally harmless. However, they can sometimes cause an infection when they come into contact with the edge of the eyelid.

Touching the eyes with dirty hands, changing contact lenses without disinfecting them or leaving makeup overnight are some of the reasons that can cause this infection.

2. Chronic inflammation of the eyelid

Also called chronic blepharitis, it is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid that usually affects both eyes and is the cause of irritation and redness.

Symptoms of a stye

The signs and symptoms of a stye are as follows:

  • Tearing of the eyes.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Pain in the eyelid.
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Legañas around the eyelids.
  • A red bump on the eyelid, resembling a pimple or pimple.
  • Irritating sensation of having a foreign body inside the eye.

Remedies to eliminate a stye

Have you ever had a stye? If this is your case or if it happens to you frequently, pay attention. Here are some remedies that you have available to eliminate a stye.

1. Gold for your eye

When it comes to removing a stye, one of the tricks that has been passed from generation to generation and that has obtained the best results, is to apply heat to the area of the injury. For this, they usually resort to gold garments.

Rub the gold object with a cloth until you feel it is hot and place it directly on the stye. Repeat the operation up to ten times in a row each day.

* Scientists have clarified that relief is not obtained because the object is made of gold or another metal, but because of the effect of heat as such. 

2. Aloe vera topical

Due to its moisturizing, softening and healing properties, it is considered that aloe vera gel can be a good remedy to alleviate the discomfort caused by the stye.

Use an aloe vera leaf and gauze. Extract the gel, wash it with plenty of water. Then, with the help of gauze, apply it on the eyelid.

* The effectiveness of this remedy is not scientifically proven. However, it is still used in the popular sphere, since various medicinal properties are attributed to the plant. 

3. Chamomile envelopes

Through various research, chamomile has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and sedative properties that help reduce the discomfort and inflammation caused by stye.

Prepare an envelope of chamomile and a cup of boiled water, place the envelope in the water for five minutes, after which we remove the bag and place it on the stye. Afterwards, let it act for ten minutes and repeat the procedure twice a day.

4. Chamomile essential oil

chamomile oil

Just as there are those who resort to chamomile infusion to relieve inflammation and itching, there are those who apply a few drops of essential oil of this same herb, since it has similar effects.

In fact, studies on rodents have shown that chamomile essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Cucumber slices

According to beliefs, placing a slice of fresh cucumber (previously soaked) on the stye for a while helps to relieve itching and inflammation. This is because cucumber has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

What to do to remove a stye?

It is not advisable to constantly manipulate the stye with your hands (much less without having previously washed your hands with soap and water), nor is it advisable to try to ‘pop’ or ‘drain’ it with sharp objects or your nails, as this can only worsen the condition. trouble.

Instead , you can resort to washing the area with soap and water, the remedies mentioned above and the following tricks that we are going to discuss below.

Using antibiotic creams

Antibiotic creams will help eliminate a stye when the cause of it has been a staph infection. The cream will be prescribed by the doctor and you must follow the instructions given to you in the consultation.

Clean glasses, contact lenses and the like well

If you wear contact lenses, try not to put them in until the stye is gone. Contact lenses may be contaminated with bacteria associated with the stye. Make sure they are clean and wash your hands well before handling.

Remember that it is also recommended that you wash everything that has been in contact with the eye, pillowcases, sheets, cushions, towels, etc.

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