5 Things That Only Women Know

We women know about resilience, we know about intuitions, about emotions that give strength to our destinies and that, in turn, allow us to connect with others in a more intimate, constructive and exceptional way.

The wisdom that a woman achieves decade by decade is a treasure trove of values ​​and strengths that very often serve as inspiration for new generations.

Because if the female gender knows something, it is of internal growth, of bravery.

Now, with the title of this article we do not mean at all that there are a series of dimensions that only women dominate, know and control and that the male gender lacks.

More than knowledge, we are talking about personal growth processes.

At the end of the day, there is a clear reality that no one can deny: the patriarchy model is still very present and ingrained in many cultures.

The fact that man is still socially and culturally a figure of power in many of our daily settings means that women are forced to set in motion a series of processes that are not always visible.

We refer to those challenges that nobody talks about, those changes, those internal and external struggles to achieve equality, to have a presence, a voice and the same power.

They are processes that only we know about and that we want to share with you as a reflection.

1. Women have learned not to doubt themselves

For a long time the role of women has been relegated to that private sphere of raising and caring for a home.

As society has advanced, their ability to access those scenarios previously marked by the male seal has improved but, in turn, other striking factors appear.

  • Women are required to demonstrate, almost constantly, that they are capable of certain skills and responsibilities.
  • It is clear that both genders are qualified when it comes to accessing a job.

However, until not long ago it was still doubted whether a woman could assume, for example, a position of power in an organization.

Currently there is an aspect that the female gender knows very well: that it is capable of taking on challenges, that it can have the same responsibilities as a man and that the only limit is in its own mind.

2. They do not need anyone to feel “complete”

things that only women know

Let’s go back one more time. However, not to that remote past, but closer than we can come to believe.

  • You don’t have to go back far generationally to remember those comments that used to instill in the female mind: to feel whole and happy, you have to find a partner.
  • Furthermore, “the single woman, without a partner or without children can only aspire to unhappiness and frustration.”
  • The most curious thing about all this is that although the young woman was aware that she felt good without having someone by her side, the society itself and the family was what she expected of her.

    Today, women know that a couple does not make one feel more “whole” – women, like men, already enter the world “whole” -.

    Love makes us happy and we do not avoid it, but it is not an obligation, it is not a prevailing need.

    3. We must set an example for the new generations: education is power

    An inspiring movement is emerging in recent years. We speak of course about the so-called “empowerment of women.”

    With this term and this initiative the following is sought:

    • Aspire to true gender equality.
    • With “empowerment” you do not aspire at all to be above the male gender.

    It is intended to achieve that much-needed equality where to demonstrate to many women that “they have power” in their hands, “inspiration” in their mind and ability in their being to achieve what they want.

    • This aspiration acquires all its meaning in third world countries, where women continually suffer serious violations just because of their gender.

      Education is the key. Hence, in any society that wants to call itself “advanced”, women and men already educate their sons and daughters in an inviolable value: that of equality.

      4. Women have learned that taking care of yourself is not selfish.

      This aspect is somewhat more complicated. We could say without mistake that men also take this step very often: that of remembering that one should not give everything for others to the point of forgetting oneself.

      • However, this characteristic is more ingrained in women.
      • The so-called “Wendy syndrome” for example, reminds us that the female gender is, traditionally, very given to taking care of their own and understanding happiness through continuous attention to others.

      Little by little this is changing. We already know that it is necessary to set limits, to take care of our self-esteem.

      Because if we are not well, we will not give the best to others.

      5. The opinions of others no longer determine me

      things that only women know

      “You have to find a partner”, “You have gained weight”, “You have to dress up more to always be beautiful”, “Now that you are a mother you have to stay at home”, “You have to make a career to be something in life” .

      This type of supposed advice is that constant music that many women tend to listen to. To this day, they already know that what others say does not have to determine them.

      The real happiness is in making our own decisions. The ones we want, the ones we like even if others don’t understand them.

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