5 Signs Of Depression That You May Be Ignoring

Sometimes the signs of depression are not too clear. However, they can manifest themselves through symptoms, apparently, that have nothing to do with what we understand by depression.

Although the feeling of sadness is their strongest symptom, many are unaware that they are going through serious episodes of this psychological disorder with other symptoms. The problem is that this can delay your treatment, which, in the long run, makes it more difficult to find the solution.

And, although in each case it manifests itself differently, there are a series of signs of depression that it is better to take into account to identify it. Knowing that many are still unaware of some of its symptoms, below we want to share 5 that are not the most common.

5 signs of depression that you may be ignoring

Here we review the 5 signs of depression that can help us identify it:

1. Sudden changes in weight

depression eating disorder

One of the physical signs that can appear in depression are sudden changes in body weight. 

This is confirmed by a research published in 2012 by the journal Psychological Medicine . According to the researchers who conducted the study, women who experience symptoms of depression tend to gain weight.

In this case, the changes in weight are not caused by being subjected to a specific diet or exercise plan. Since they can lead to health problems, it is best to watch out for these symptoms.

2. Alterations in sleep schedule

Research has long been able to determine the clear relationship between sleep disorders and depression.

Almost all patients with depression report some difficulty sleeping : excessive sleep, insomnia, or poor quality sleep, among them. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2006 by the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology.

This is one of the factors that requires the most attention when it is given continuously. It is very easy to identify and usually causes some reactions that are perceived immediately. However, it must be considered that it can occur for reasons other than depression.

The use of mobile devices before bed, eating too heavy a meal or stress are some of the reasons why our sleep cycle can also be altered.

In people with this psychological problem, schedules can be altered, so that the person feels like sleeping during the day.

3. Anger or irritability

5 signs of depression that you may be ignoring

Negative changes in mood are common ways of manifesting worries , sadness, and all those factors that influence this disorder.

According to studies such as the one published in 2005 by the Journal of Affective Disorders , there is a type of depression more related to irritability, which usually involves hostility and irritability along with other symptoms.

Also, people with depression can experience frustration in their interpersonal relationships. Because there are those who cannot understand the state they are going through.

4. Feeling of guilt

Having a constant sense of guilt is common in people who are going through this problem. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2002 in the Journal of Affective Disorders .

The worst thing is that, somehow, this causes him to sink further into his negative emotions. This feeling can grow when poor decisions are made in the midst of sadness. Or when there is an argument with one of the loved ones.

This factor is quite complicated because it compromises and affects social relationships, and can make it difficult to support them to overcome it.

5. aches and pains

Until a few decades ago, mental health professionals did not consider emotions to have anything to do with physical ailments.  However, after various investigations it was determined that there is a link and, in fact, it is much stronger than previously thought.

According to research published in 2003 in the journal JAMA , depression and pain share biological pathways and neurotransmitters, which means that both can occur together.

This can range from skin hypersensitivity to muscle aches, stiffness, or digestive disorders. Of course, as they all have various causes, a careful analysis is required to determine if they are caused by depression, stress, or another psychological condition.

Signs of depression: conclusions

Depression is a serious disorder that is not only perceived with sadness, crying or the like. It is a complex and dangerous condition that requires professional attention to be overcome as soon as possible.

Although many of its symptoms can be confused with other diseases, it is important to take sufficient care to give them the proper treatment. Noticing the signs of depression before the total fall into this emotional state occurs is essential.

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