5 Keys To Calm The Restless Mind And Find Inner Peace

The restless mind leaves no truce or rest. It jumps from concern to concern, from one thought to another without limits and little by little it weaves such complex webs in the brain that that privilege called inner peace is lost.

Now, it is possible that many confuse the concept of restless mind with curiosity and productivity. While it is true that this internal energy is sometimes a reflection of the desire to learn, many other times this concern is actually mental noise, confusion, fatigue and unhappiness.

Next, we suggest you reflect on it so that you find calm.

The restless mind and the turbulent ocean of your brain

Worried girl

One of the best known books on  complex situations in which mental noise intermingles with depression is that of Kay Jamison.

This psychiatrist from John Hopkins University in Baltimore (United States) explains her particular case in her book A Restless Mind. One of the reflections that the doctor shares with her readers is the following:

Have you felt identified in these lines? You are not the only one. It is a problem that increasingly affects more people in very different areas of their lives.

Therefore, do not hesitate to take into account these 5 dimensions that can help you with this feeling.

1. Remove unnecessary weights

You have them, even if you don’t see them. As soon as you realize all the unnecessary weights you carry on your mind, you will feel better.

  • You are surrounded by people who, far from giving you things, take away your energy.
  • It is possible that you are prioritizing aspects that are not beneficial for you.
  • Understand that sometimes ” less is more .”

2. Stop for a moment and take a breath, turn off the mental noise

Yesterday is gone. The past cannot be edited and the future does not yet exist. So, focus all your attention on the here and now, where you are right now.

  • Stop and take a breath. Keep it tight and hold it for five seconds. Then breathe out loudly.
  • This simple exercise, believe it or not, frees your mind, oxygenates it and allows you to calm down.
  • When the body feels good is when it manages to connect with itself.
  • Next, humbly ask yourself what you want, what you are looking for or what your dreams are.

It would be appropriate for you to practice this exercise every day, as soon as you get up.

3. Build protective walls

The restless mind suffers because it is very permeable and lets in the concerns of others, selfishness, the interests of those around them.

When that negative energy bursts into you, it intermingles with your personal weaknesses. The combination is terrible.

It is necessary to put walls in the following way:

  • Stay away from what is not in your tune.
  • Build walls for those who bring you storms on calm days.
  • Build walls for those who don’t respect you. Forgive them and let them go.

4. The silence that repairs

Once a day and, at least, for an hour and a half or two hours you need a bath of absolute silence.

  • These moments of tranquility and inner peace allow you to connect with your needs to calm the restless mind. The nervous mind that jumps from black hole to black hole has forgotten to attend to itself. You no longer remember how much it is worth or how important it is.
  • Relax in the middle of the silence and turn off the fears, the inner voices. Allow emotions such as satisfaction, inner peace and balance between the mind and the heart to surround you.

5. Cultivate gratitude

This dimension is, without a doubt, the most complicated to carry out. Relax and reflect on the following aspects:

  • If what you feel now is discomfort, give a twist to those negative thoughts. Choose not to find yourself like this; accept what you feel and remember what you deserve.
  • Be grateful for the little things that surround you and that, perhaps, you have neglected.
  • Give thanks for being physically well, for having by your side certain people who you do love, who do love you.
  • Learn to appreciate how lucky you are for each new day. Because they are new opportunities that open up on your horizon for you to achieve what you want.

Ask for help if you need it

If you consider that these feelings prevent you from leading your life normally or take too long a time, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of a professional. A good psychologist will help you develop strategies so that you can learn to silence that mental noise. 

Do not worry. It is very common to feel this way and there are many people who are going through the same thing. In the same way, many others have seen their quality of life increased thanks to the support of a therapist, so don’t think twice: you only have one life and you deserve to be happy.

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