5 Best Exercises To Improve Our Memory

Exercises to improve memory help to better fix concepts and increase concentration capacity. In this way, we will ensure that the brain stays young for longer.

Although we think that only our body should be exercised, the truth is that we often forget that we must also train the mind. If we want to increase concentration and better fix the concepts, it is necessary to discover and perform some exercises to improve our memory.

Exercises to improve our memory help us to have an active mind. With the passage of time, we may stop learning, reading, acquiring knowledge … In short, making the brain face challenges with which to exercise.

For this reason, the exercises to improve our memory that we are going to present below will allow us to have a much more agile mind. By putting them into practice, we will keep you young for much longer. Let’s go there!

5 exercises to improve our memory

1. Take reviews daily

Do you remember when you always reviewed the subject before going to sleep or every day before an exam? Well this was an excellent exercise to improve memory. However, as time goes by, when we finish school and work, we usually put this habit aside.

To perform the exercise, it is not necessary that we are learning something. When night comes, just reviewing everything we have done during the day, what has happened to us or what we have eaten will be enough.

Exercises to improve our memory

Keeping a journal often invites us to do this every day. Although it may seem like it is useless, reviewing what we have experienced in a whole day is an excellent exercise to improve our memory.

2. Create mind maps

How is your spatial memory? Many people have a hard time staying with the sites they go to or finding their way around. If this is your case, creating mind maps can be an excellent exercise to boost your memory in this regard. The way to do it is simple:  every time you visit a new place, try to create a map, drawing it when you get home. This will enhance your memory, but not only the spatial one, but also the visual one.

3. Use your non-dominant hand

Are you right-handed or left-handed? One of the funniest exercises to improve our memory is to do everything we usually do with our non-dominant hand. For example, if you are right-handed and write or brush your teeth with your right hand, try writing with your left.

Surely at first you will notice a certain resistance; it is normal. It is going to cost you effort to use the hand with which you do not usually work. However, it is very positive work, in which the mind will be working and exercising.

4. Change your routine

Although it seems silly, changing the routine of what we usually do is a wake-up call for the memory. Instead of using the elevator, try going down the stairs; Instead of going the same way to work, try another one.

This will improve your attention span and keep your mind sharp. This is a very positive thing, as you will come across new elements. When we do something routine, we forget to perceive what we have around us.

Climbing stairs

If, for example, we choose a new route to get to work, we will have to work to think about whether it will take us to our destination and to find our bearings if we get lost. Also, when we get home, we can combine this with creating a mind map that will help our mind as well.

5. Learn something every day

The last of the exercises to improve our memory does not imply that we have to start a course to learn something. In our daily life, there are many things that can help us learn something new every day.

For example, we can try to learn a new phone number by heart or the address of that friend that we always have to ask because it never remains in our heads. All these learnings will also make life much easier for us.

Have you ever tried any of these exercises to improve memory? Which of them has served you the most? There are many others, such as performing sudokus or using certain applications  that help, in the same way, to keep memory active.

Finally, remember that exercising can make a big difference between forgetting things easily or not. Exercise, whether physical or mental, always has its benefits. How about we check them?

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