5 Benefits You Will Get From Having White Tea For Breakfast

White tea is a delicate and exquisitely flavored drink that was born by chance some 5000 years ago in China. Do you want to know more about it? In that case, keep reading everything that we are going to tell you. You will find that drinking white tea is an excellent choice for breakfast. 

Legend has it that Emperor Shen Nung felt thirsty while taking a walk and to appease his need he decided to boil water in a pot. By chance, or by the magic of fate, some white tea leaves fell into the hot water, giving the drink a prodigious taste that also alleviated his discomfort.

This is a fantasy-spattered story, we know that. However, it does reveal an interesting fact: white tea is a natural drink that can be beneficial to health. In fact, it  is the drink with the most antioxidants that we have today.

“White tea is a magnificent tonic and one of nature’s great gifts. It is the least processed tea and has the highest levels of antioxidants compared to black and green tea, ”indicate the authors of a study published in 2013.

The benefits of drinking white tea

According to popular wisdom, unlike green tea or red tea, it is convenient to drink white tea daily, especially first thing in the morning. It is when the body is most receptive and when we can most benefit from its virtues.

Here are 5 good reasons to include it in your breakfast. If you take it as a habit, your health will notice it.

Woman with white cup of tea.

1. Provides antioxidants

The level of antioxidants in white tea is higher than that of green or black tea. So, we suggest that from tomorrow you encourage yourself to include a cup in your breakfast. In this way, your liver and your immune system will appreciate the contribution of the following elements:

  • Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG): they are a type of catechins, polyphenolic antioxidants.
  • Tannins: the  level of tannins is much lower than that of other types of tea. For many people it is positive, because it makes its flavor smoother and less astringent.
  • Theaflavins (TFS): are a type of polyphenols that give this tea its characteristic sweet taste.

2. Helps to lose weight

According to studies carried out in rodents, white tea is a drink that could help you lose weight. For this reason, in the popular sphere it is said that drinking white tea is a good complement to the diet to promote weight loss. Its slimming action would be based on the following factors :

  • It would inhibit the formation of new fat cells.
  • It would mobilize the fat of the most resistant fat cells.
  • It would stimulate lipolysis: white tea speeds up metabolism so that we can burn calories.

So instead of drinking diet sodas and related industrial drinks, opt for a good cup of white tea. You can also combine this drink with mixed fruit smoothies.

3. Take care of skin and hair

As we already know, the level of antioxidants in white tea is high. Thanks to this, we could cope with oxidative stress, improve the health of the entire organism and also have healthy and beautiful skin and hair.

  • EGCG catechin is very suitable for preventing hair loss. In addition, it is very effective for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.
  • It is also considered as a natural agent that promotes and cares for the youth of skin cells.
  • Also, and due to the high content of phenols, drinking white tea strengthens and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen (important proteins found in connective tissues, ideal for the prevention of wrinkles).

4. Helps maintain energy throughout the day

As we have noted previously, white tea has a lower amount of L-theanine (an amino acid that increases alertness and, in turn, has a calming effect on the mind).

However, the fact that it is not a natural activator -as coffee can be- has another benefit, if possible, even more interesting: it is a good moisturizer, perfect for maintaining energy throughout the morning. Also, this very interesting amino acid helps us increase the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, key neurotransmitters to lift our spirits and keep us alert.

Read: Improve your mood by eating fiber

5. Improves liver health

Thanks to the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in white tea, we stimulate liver function and make it easier for this important organ to carry out its detoxification tasks.

The catechins in both green and white tea could also be very good for liver health. In fact, they would help us take care of the liver and prevent various liver diseases, such as hepatitis.

To obtain these benefits, the ideal would be to drink one or two glasses of white tea a day. We can combine it with other types of ingredients (such as fruit juice), but as with other drinks, such as coffee, the key is in balance.

So, don’t hesitate, and start the day right : include some fiber, fruit, a little protein and a good cup of white tea in your breakfast. Your health will notice.

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