4 Tips To Take Care Of The Skin From The Sun In A Practical Way

Although the day is cloudy, we must not neglect to protect the skin, since UV rays pass through the clouds and reach the same skin

Sunbathing is one of the favorite activities for many people during the summer days. Beyond this, it has a series of effects that can be more or less beneficial or harmful for humans. When it comes to sunbathing, it is extremely important to take care of your skin.

Vitamin D is a clear example of the positive effects that the sun’s rays bring us directly; However, this type of benefit must be received with the support of a special protection, as we have said, in order to take care of the skin.

In addition to the use of a good sunscreen, another essential measure to avoid the   proliferation of diseases is not to receive excessive sun rays. Diseases such as skin cancer or severe burns are two of the most common problems when it comes to neglecting skin tissue.

Thus, we are going to present a series of practical recommendations to take care of the skin from the sun’s rays.

1. Protect yourself in advance

Most people see the sun as a threat only when it hits them directly. However, it affects the body at all times. On the other hand, the idea of ​​subsequently protecting oneself from receiving the sun’s rays directly arises thanks to the types of sunscreen.

However, we must bear in mind that most need an estimated time of about 30 minutes to act on the skin. Of course, this recommendation depends on the type of sunscreen used by each person. It is recommended to follow the specific instructions for each product.

2. Avoid direct exposure at certain times

There is no question that ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are dangerous in direct exposure; however, some schedules are more harmful than others.

Ultraviolet rays are highly mutagenic, that is, they favor the development of mutations in the genetic material. In DNA it causes damage by forming dimers that shorten the normal distance of the bond, which results in a deformation of the chain.

Some people choose to take time out outside, whether it be exercising, walking their pet, biking, swimming, or reading. The main problem is direct exposure to the sun during these periods, especially in the middle of the day, in order to take care of the skin as much as possible.

During the hours between 12 noon and 3 in the afternoon, the sun is at its highest point, making it stronger and burns much more dangerous.

In that order of ideas, it is recommended to carry out outdoor activities in the morning or in the afternoon (after three in the afternoon, approximately).

3. Take care of the skin through diet

The tissues responsible for shaping the skin can not only be protected topically. The body needs various nutrients to be in optimal conditions, and diet is the main way to acquire them.

Thus, it is recommended to  eat foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, polyphenols and lycopene, among others, since they are antioxidants and help us take care of our skin.

Despite ingesting these products, we must not forget to always apply appropriate amounts of sunscreen on the skin tissue.

4. Do not overlook the little sunny days

Do not go unnoticed on not very sunny days

Despite the interference made by clouds in the sky, the sun’s rays continue to reach the skin, of  course, than in less considerable amounts. However, and based on the above, when the day is cloudy, it is also recommended to apply sunscreen.

Face, neck, arms and décolleté are usually the most affected by UV rays.  Therefore, the amount of protector in these areas should be a little higher.

Keep that in mind!

  • The affectation of the skin depends on its tone. Thus, the clearer, the more prone to possible damage.
  • In addition, we cannot forget that children under one year of age are much more fragile and, therefore,  they should not be exposed directly to the sun for a long time.

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