4 Natural Recipes For Having “silky Hands”

In addition to protecting them with gloves whenever we handle aggressive chemicals, to have silky hands, daily hydration and exfoliation are also essential to remove dead cells. Know other keys!

Keeping your hands in good condition and having beautiful nails is the desire of many women. For this, daily care is essential , in order to avoid dryness, flaking and future wrinkles. Here are some keys to having “silky hands.”

The hands represent one of the parts of the body most exposed to external agents, since they participate in practically all the daily activities of a person.

Many times we do not take time to take care of our hands and we do not remember that they are the ones that suffer the most due to inclement weather, work, housework, among other factors. What can we do to improve your status?

Keys to take care of your hands

If you want to have real silk hands, it could be favorable if you take into account the keys that we comment on here.

Woman with hand cream.

Apply cream with protection factor

We usually worry about putting sunscreen on our face or shoulders, but not on our hands; That is an error. UV rays affect the skin of the entire body, without distinction. For this reason, official health organizations recommend taking preventive measures, even on the hands.

Wear gloves when doing housework

Conventional cleaning supplies – detergents, bleaches, among others – have a large number of chemicals that can be harsh on the skin. For this reason, scientific publications such as Contact Dermatitis recommend wearing gloves when washing dishes, furniture or the bathroom.

Using moisturizers

You should at least apply them when you go to bed at night. If you have the possibility to carry a moisturizer in your bag when you leave the house, it would not be a bad idea. So every time your hands feel dry, you can put on a little.

Remember that the skin has to be very clean and dry before applying these products. A Mayo Clinic article highlights the use of these creams to prevent dry skin.

Protect from the weather

Not only in summer due to ultraviolet rays, but also in winter, due to cold, wind and humidity in the environment. Put on warm gloves to go outside!

Exfoliate once a week

You can take advantage of Saturday or Sunday to turn your home into a spa and pamper yourself a bit. The exfoliation of the skin helps to remove dead cells that do not allow a renewal of the dermis. That may be one of the reasons why your hands are always dry.

The American Academy of Dermatology advises carefully selecting the product to be used ; preferably, consult a dermatologist. Also, be gentle if you massage yourself and remember to use moisturizer at the end of the exfoliation.

Recipes for silky hands

There are many factors that can affect the beauty of the hands and nails. Therefore, it is worth taking care of them, even once a week, doing some intensive treatment. Here are some popular preparations that might help you.

Remember that not all of them have been scientifically proven, so it is best to consult with your dermatologist before using them, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Retinol cream for the skin.

Sugar and honey scrub

Both ingredients have interesting properties for the skin, since they could act as exfoliants and remove impurities. This has been proven by a study published by the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention , which talks about gluconic acid in honey and its benefits for the skin.

On sugar, however, there is not enough scientific evidence to support this application, despite the fact that it has been used for years and some of its derivatives have offered good results. Also be careful with lemon juice, as it is an acidic element that could be irritating to the skin, as well as leaving stains if you expose it to sunlight.


  • Honey (75 grams).
  • Sugar (20 grams).
  • Lemon juice.


  1. In a bowl, place the honey and sugar.
  2. Add the lemon and stir well.
  3. Wash your hands and then apply by massage.
  4. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Potato cream, honey and milk

According to traditional medicine, this preparation effectively moisturizes the skin of the hands. Best of all, you can prepare it in a few minutes, with products that you surely have at home.

There are even publications, such as one from the National Botanical Research Institute of India, that highlight the possible benefits of potatoes – specifically red and sweet ones – for the skin, due to their anthocyanin and betacyanin content.

On the other hand, we have already talked about honey, and about milk there is not enough evidence that relates it to an improvement in the condition of the skin of the hands.


  • 1 potato
  • Honey (50 grams).
  • Milk (20 milliliters).


  1. Peel the potato and cut it into cubes.
  2. Cook with water until tender, like to puree.
  3. Filter and pour into a container with the honey and milk at room temperature.
  4. Tread well and mix to form a cream.
  5. Wait for it to cool down; you can put it in the fridge for a few minutes.
  6. Apply to previously washed hands and leave for a few minutes.
  7. Rinse with cold or lukewarm water.

Sugar and oil scrub

Another recipe for having silky hands that uses common kitchen elements. In relation to this recipe, it should be noted that, although it has proven effects on wound healing, sugar is not a proven natural exfoliating element. Therefore, this use is based on popular beliefs.


  • Olive oil (16 grams).
  • Sugar (20 grams).


  1. In a bowl, add the sugar and add the olive oil at room temperature.
  2. Mix well until you get a kind of sandy cream. You can add more oil if you see fit.
  3. Apply to hands in circular motions and, after a few minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Rose cream, honey and oil

Recipes with rose water.

This preparation needs two weeks of maceration to be ready ; In addition, there are no scientific studies that support its effectiveness. Of course, once ready, it can be easily stored in the fridge to use when needed.


  • Red rose petals.
  • Lemon peel.
  • Olive oil (200 grams).


  1. In a glass jar with a tight lid, place the washed rose petals.
  2. Add the lemon peel, cut into pieces.
  3. Pour the oil to the brim and cover.
  4. Let it marinate for 15 days and strain.
  5. To use, soak a cotton ball in the oil and apply to hands.

Silk hands are achieved with daily care

Beyond the effectiveness – proven or not – of these recipes, remember that there is nothing like daily dedication to keeping your skin in good condition. Therefore, with the care keys discussed at the beginning plus the use of these preparations, you can achieve good results.

Ultimately, don’t hesitate to see your dermatologist if you suffer from itching, redness, or any other discomfort on the skin on your hands. Professional treatment is always the best solution when it comes to health.

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