3 Healing Shakes For Irritable Bowel

Suffering from irritable bowel is, lately, something quite common. We are not clear yet what are the causes that originate it; sometimes there is talk of stress, infections or reactions to certain foods. Be that as it may, it is a reality with marked symptoms that make our daily life difficult.

What can we do? As always, it will be our doctor who offers us the guidelines that we must follow. Meanwhile, at home, we can prepare these easy and healthy smoothies that will alleviate your discomfort. Discover them.

1. Aloe vera and kiwi smoothie

Aloe vera

How do I prepare the smoothie?

  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (aloe) gel (20g).
  • A kiwi.
  • A glass of water.

You already know the many benefits of aloe vera. It is one of the most suitable plants to treat irritable bowel thanks to its  anti-inflammatory properties.

On the other hand, aloe, when decomposed, does not emit gas like other foods. This allows it to exert a moisturizing and healing action for the walls of the intestine, which in turn, allows other compounds to be better synthesized.

Combining it with kiwi juice, you will get a smoothie full of vitamins and very smooth  and  digestive. It is easy to prepare: you just have to heat a glass of water and dilute the tablespoon of aloe vera in it.

Once dissolved, add the kiwi smoothie. You can include a tablespoon of honey, which will make it much more pleasant. As a final tip, keep one fact in mind: take these shakes warm, neither cold nor hot. You will digest it better.

2. Papaya and chamomile smoothie

How do I prepare the smoothie?

  • 3 slices of papaya.
  • 1 chamomile tea bag.
  • 1 mint tea bag.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).

An essential smoothie to drink every day when we wake up. We will be able to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and the classic swelling. Papaya is one of the most digestive fruits thanks to papain. We will be able to digest it well and it will relieve us a lot.

Also highlight the multiple benefits of peppermint to treat irritable bowel. Its oil contains menthol, something that will allow us to control the muscular contractions of the intestines, relaxing them and relieving pain.

And what virtue does chamomile have? Relieves the feeling of bloating, calms, relaxes and regulates the classic processes of constipation or diarrhea that are experienced during irritable bowel movements. Treats inflammations properly and has no negative effect.

To prepare it, you only have to obtain the papaya smoothie. Besides, we will get the decoction of mint and chamomile with a glass of boiling water. Once ready, we mix both elements: papaya and medicinal plants. Accompany it with a little honey and you will see how it relaxes you. It is perfect to drink in the morning.

3. Melissa, watermelon and pear smoothie


How do I prepare the smoothie?

  • A slice of watermelon.
  • A pear.
  • A sachet of lemon balm infusion.
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

The simple fact of combining fruits with medicinal plants will greatly favor the treatment of irritable bowel. We enhance the sedative and anti-inflammatory action. Melissa is, in addition to being an excellent relaxant, an effective way to prevent cramps or those intestinal contractions that cause so much pain.

The pear, for its part, is one of those fruits so medicinal that it would be worth consuming every day. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is so digestive that it will not cause us any harm. We will tolerate it well and benefit above all from its natural treasure of B-complex vitamins.

Including the watermelon in this smoothie is a success. It hydrates us, it is diuretic and rich in vitamins and minerals. We will tolerate it very well and it will also favor the de-inflammation of the colon. To benefit from these components, we will make a simple smoothie with the two fruits.

Remember to add the lemon balm infusion. Mix it with a glass of hot water and allow the infusion to take place. Once ready add it to the watermelon and pear juice. You will see how it is very pleasant and you tolerate it really well. Remember once again to drink these warm shakes. If they are very hot or very cold, our intestines will notice it. We hope it helps you.

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